Monday, January 20, 2020

Love Changes Everything

I received a copy of LOVE CHANGES EVERYTHING: FINDING WHAT’S REAL IN A WORLD FULL OF FAKE by Micah Bertaeu from Revell in exchange for an honest review.  It includes a forward by Jentezen Franklin.

I found this book refreshing in the light of other “self-help” books that deal with “true love” and “soul mates.”  I’m not saying true love and soul mates don’t exist.  I just don’t care for a lot of those books that make it seem as if you should dive into a relationship with the first person who makes eye contact with you. 

This book talks about the kind of love that you need, the kind that helps you grow, that helps you to help other people.  Love should make you the best version of yourself.  It shouldn’t bring you down.