I received a copy of SIMPLE SECRETS TO A HAPPY LIFE by Lucy Swindoll, from Thomas Nelson via BookSneeze. I was excited, as I love self-help books. They always have interesting stories and helpful tips for living better – this book was no exception. The chapters, fifty total, are short enough that you can read them in one sitting, and then ponder the message throughout the rest of the day. My favorite chapter is Forty-Six: Invite People to Your Home. It reminded me that I really do not have company over very often, but when I do, it is always a special moment.
I was a little disappointed, however. Many of the “secrets” were obvious things I do every day, such as being kind to others and learn to organize your stuff. Do people really not know that they should treat others with kindness? Despite the obviousness of the chapter subjects, I still enjoyed reading the tidbits within.
This makes an excellent gift for someone hoping to improve his or her life, or someone who needs a boost. I recommended it to my friend, who is a high school English teacher, and she reads a chapter a day to her students before class. They then write a summary about how to incorporate that into their lives.
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