Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I received a copy of A MOST PECULAIR CIRCUMSTANCE by Jen Turano from Bethany House.  It was a lovely surprise to find it waiting on my front porch when I returned from vacation.  Bethany House has never failed me, and this book again exceeded my expectations for historical fiction.  A MOST PECULAIR CIRCUMSTANCE has all the factors I’ve come to enjoy: romance, a handsome man, a quirky woman, historical backdrop, a love of God, and adventure in every chapter.  This historical backdrop encompasses the suffragette movement of the late 1800’s. 

Miss Arabella Beckett is definitely someone you want as a best friend.  She gets into the most hilarious scrapes, but she loves her friends and family, as well as bettering the world, with an admirable passion.  Although the novel did seem wordy at times, I quickly got lost in the pages.  Jen Turano seems like someone you’d like to hang out with if she can write about someone as adorable as Arabella.  The heartthrob, Theodore Wilder, can be a little rough, but his heart is pure gold.  He and Arabella make a perfect pair.

A MOST PECULAIR CIRCUMSTANCE is the sequel to A CHANGE IN FORTUNE.  I’m afraid I haven’t read that book yet, but you don’t need to be familiar with it to enjoy this story. 

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