Monday, September 11, 2017

Ordering Your Private World

I received a copy of ORDERING YOUR PRIVATE WORLD by Gordon MacDonald from Thomas Nelson in exchange for an honest review.  The copy I received is revised and updated, and includes a study guide.

I don’t want to just recap the synopsis, so I’ll put it in a nutshell: This book talks about focuses on the inner you.  Your soul grows.  You grow.  By maintaining your inner peace, your outer peace falls into place.  Put your priorities into perspective.  Enhance your time management. 

I’ve read a lot of self-help books and articles, especially now while job hunting, and I’ve noticed that many of them come across as cold and tedious.  The author is just trying to make a quick buck without really caring about the reader.  That isn’t the case with this book.  The author’s words and experiences are touching.  You get the feeling he truly cares about helping you enhance your life. 

This is the type of book you don’t have to read all at once.  Sit down every now and then, put your feet up, and explore what Gordon MacDonald has to say.

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