Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Crack Yourself Up

I received a copy of CRACK YOURSELF UP: JOKES FOR KIDS by Sandy Silverthorne from Revell in exchange for an honest review.  I was excited for this book because I know my son will love it.  He laughs at everything, and even though he’s still a little young for some of the jokes, he’ll be able to grow into them. 

I opened the package, got the book out, and my husband took it to “glance over.”  He spent the next hour reading through the entire book.  Most of them he read out loud to me while I was trying to get housework done.  It certainly made things move along faster!  Later on, I heard him sharing some of the jokes with his friends. 

Some are riddles, which adds a nice mix to the assortment of jokes.  They are all appropriate for kids.  I thought that was great.  In the past, I had joke books for kids that threw in a couple “adult” jokes.  They were probably for the parent, but that shouldn’t be in a book just for kids.

This makes an excellent coffee table book, or addition to the home library.  It would also be perfect as a gift.

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