Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Your Sacred Yes

I received a copy of YOUR SACRED YES: TRADING LIFE-DRAINING OBLIGATIONS FOR FREEDOM, PASSION, & JOY by Susie Larson from Bethany House in exchange for an honest review.  I enjoy books like this – I think of them as “self help” – and this one really struck a chord with me.  I have recently been plagued by some stressors both in work and in life, so I looked forward to this book.  In one word, it is “liberating.”  I liked reading about life from someone else’s point-of-view.  I could relate much of what was said to things that I do.

People call me a “go-getter.”  A “leader.”  “Nice.”  Basically, I say yes to things a lot, and always with an almost too perky smile.  I want people to be happy and I want to experience new, positive things.  This book helped me to still achieve those sensations while saying no.  The book stresses that these ways are so that we won’t feel guilt or shame. 

I highly recommend this to, basically, everyone (and especially a few I know personally who struggle with this.  They will be getting emails from me about this book).  We all face moments when we want to say yes, but it would be in our best interest to actually go with no.  

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