Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I received a copy of CRUEL HARVEST: A MEMOIR by Fran Elizabeth Grubb with Bryan Reardon, from Thomas Nelson via BookSneeze. This is one of the most gripping memoirs I have ever read.  Once again, this was a book that captured me from page one and left me breathless by the time I finished reading in one sitting.  It reads like a novel, very smooth, with realistic dialogue.  Many times, I had to remind myself that these horrific events had really happened to an innocent young girl.  I imagined the students I have taught in the past and I cringed to picture them, or anyone, in such situations. 

The memoir involves Fran Grubb’s childhood, a twisted nightmare she had to endure without help.  So many parts left my mouth gaping; other sections made me shudder.  Her family members fled her father, but for a long while, Fran was stuck with him.  She watched him kill her sister and sexually assault them.  I wept with Fran during many of the heart-wrenching events depicted in the chapters, and at the end, I cheered for her hopes.  To have become such a wonderful Christian woman proves what a strong person she really is.  I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking a though-provoking read. 

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