Friday, June 29, 2012


I received a copy of REDEMPTION: A REBELLIOUS SPIRIT, A PRAYING MOTHER, AND THE UNLIKELY PATH TO OLYMPIC GOLD by Bryan Clay and Joel Kilpatrick.  I was intrigued by this since the Olympics are coming up; however, the book really didn’t hold my interest.

I really enjoyed how this is a true story.  I love to know that I am reading is fact.  Bryan Clay took home the 2008 Olympic gold medal and 2004 Olympic silver medal in the decathlon.  I must admit that I don’t normally watch the Olympics, so I had to look up what the decathlon is – feel free to snicker at me now.  The book follows Bryan as he describes his life story to the reader.  It came across very smooth, as if Bryan and I sat at a table together, discussing his facts.  Uncomfortable topics, like STDs, are written as a matter of fact, no sugar coating or glorifying.  I found it fascinating to watch him grow and see his athletic abilities build.  Christ remained in his foundation, a steadfast reminder of who he wanted to be. 

I just, personally, couldn’t get into the story.  I am not really into sports, so I believe that distanced me from the story.  I highly recommend this to sport fans and anyone interested in the Olympics.  

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